Cystic Acne Treatment : some methods explained

The problem of acne is basically characterized by the major cysts or the cystic acne treatmentinflammation and an extensive damage to the surface of the skin and scarring. It mainly needs an immediate aggressive cystic acne treatment for curing this problem by a dermatologist as soon as possible. The major disfigured forms of the acne may need some years of regular treatment and can also experience other different cystic acne treatment of failures. But nothing to get worried about as there are also some of the cystic acne treatments which are also successful.

The acne symptoms are very much common these days. This is because for the increase of the pollution in the atmosphere and thus the treatment of the acne should be done as fast as possible. Other than the medications for the treatment of acne, there are the ayurvedic treatment and also other home remedial treatments. Some of the cystic acne treatments are as follows:

  1. The first and foremost thing is that the pimples should not be popped up by your nails or any kind of sharp objects. It is very much dangerous and harmful and will leave a black scar forever on the skin surface. You can put wet cotton over the pimple zone. Then you can also apply some medicated creme on that area.
  2.  The anti acne creme will be the best to apply under the advice of the dermatologist. On a regular basis the anti acne cream should be applied so that the scar or the pimple should gradually disappear. Drugs are also helpful for removing the acne problems but they do have some side effects. So it will be better to use the anti acne cream than the drugs as there are no side effects. If the treatment of the acne is treated properly then it will surely get cured within few weeks without having much pain.
  3. Some of the antibiotics are also very much helpful for the  cystic treatment. The famous antibiotics are as follows: Tetracycline, Doxycycline, and Minocycline. The antibiotics often play a major role in curing the acne problem better than the anti acne cream as recommended by the dermatologist. In fact the antibiotics will help you to cure the pimple or the acne problem very fast.
  4. The doctor should be also consulted for the hormonal treatments, as the change of hormones also causes the growth of the acne on the skin and can lead to other different types of skin problems.


There is also the ayurvedic or the homeopathic treatment for curing the acne, but the rate of the treatment will be very much slow as it takes much time to cure completely. Then again there is the laser treatment which also helps to cure the problems of acne very fast, but one needs to undergo several laser sessions and it can also have some side effects.

Thus it is better if you can consult a renowned dermatologist for curing the acne problems and follow his or her advice properly. Then you can get rid from the cystic acne on your skin.

Cystic acne that will be a real pain in your skin

Cystic acne is the most unwanted skin disease by any teenager. But unfortunately such cystic acne is highly prone on teenagers mostly. The cystic acne takes place due to hormonal changes that a teenager goes through his or her teenage years. Therefore the cystic acne is mostly common in men than that in women. But for cystic acnewomen the cystic acne takes place when she is undergoing pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause and poly cystic ovary. These are some of the main reasons that cause cystic acne. Again if your parents ever had acne then you may get acne as well.

How does cystic acne look like? Is it painful to the skin?

Cystic acne is a breakout on the skin which is usually large and red in colour. They have pointed peaks and are filled with pus. Cystic acne is extremely painful and they itch and hurt a lot. When the pores in the skin are filled with dead cells and bacteria is also trapped in such pores then cystic acne takes place. If at all by mistake also the acne bursts then the infection may lead to much such cystic acne all over your skin.

The areas that are affected by these painful cystic acne

We normally have knowledge that cystic acne takes place only on facial skin but it also takes place on shoulder, back, upper arms, and chest. But the acne that takes place on the facial skin is the most dangerous and the most painful ones. The acne that takes place in other parts of the body is not that painful and such acne is very easily taken care of. But the ones that happen on the facial skin are quite risky as they have a high chance to burst.

There are many ways to cure painful cystic acne

Painful cystic acne is very dangerous as they are more likely to burst. So the best way to cure it is to keep your hands away from it. Consulting a dermatologist is highly required as the doctor will give you all the reasons for your acne and the proper and suitable medication for your skin.

There are definitely many ways to cure cystic acne. The doctor may provide you with oral antibiotics that will lessen the inflammation and reduce the bacteria level. This is one reason why oral antibiotics work the best for cystic acne.

Other ways to get rid of painful cystic acne are:

  • A cream, lotions, gels that contain retinoid which is a vitamin is extremely helpful for curing cystic acne.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet and drinking lots of water will wash out the unneeded hormone secretion.
  • Birth control pills help many women to get rid of such painful cystic acne.

To get rid of the problem of cystic acne you will get a thousand methods but you will have to be sure with the one that will help you skin type the best and that is possible only with the help of a dermatologist. Once you get proper advice, you will soon be able to enjoy a unblemished skin.